About Govment.org
Welcome to Govment.org, a satirical site dedicated to revealing the peculiarities and absurdities of government and politics. The name 'Govment' is a slang abbreviation best spoken with a thick Floridian accent. The 'V' can be pronounced as either a 'B', a 'V', or omitted entirely, adding to the charm and humor of the site.
Here at Govment.org, we provide a platform for humorous takes on political and governmental topics, often through satirical resumes and job postings.
Explore the Connection: Sacrifices to Sun Gods and Global Warming
Is there a hidden link between ancient sacrifices to sun gods and the modern phenomenon of global warming? Find out the shocking truth here!
Job Posting: President of the United States
Think you've got what it takes to be the leader of the free world? Check out the President of the United States Job Posting and see if you meet the qualifications!